Featured collaborations from August 2019
Fe en Práctica
Each Monday during the month of August, our team has been working with a team from Fe en Práctica, an organization which facilitates the visit of medical missions teams to communities across Guatemala. The purpose of these meetings is to work through a specifically tailored leadership development program for the leaders of Fe en Practica in Guatemala.
Strachan Foundation
For the second year in a row, ALG has been invited to the annual Strachan Foundation Seminary not just as guests, but as co-facilitators. Strachan’s Seminary hosts 60 organizations from across Central America and this year we were invited to teach a session on the U Theory and Resilience in Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well co-facilitate a session on Regenerative Leadership.
Dr. Rochelle Arms Almengor
Early in the month of August a collaboration that has been in the works for some time officially began with a visit to Antigua from Dr. Rochelle Arms Almengor, professor, researcher and practitioner of Restorative Justice. Dr. Arms Almengor teaches at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City where she is also the co-director of the Dispute Resolution Center. Her visit begins what we hope to be a multi-year research project on Restorative Justice and its use across the Americas.
Points of You
The organization Evolution 180 graciously offered a training in Points of You to forty members of our network of leaders without pay because they believe in the mission of our work. This is the first of three trainings that they have offered to our community and we look forward to equipping as many of the leaders in our network with these skills as possible.
Second National Educators for Peace Conference
Gersom Gamboa, graduate of ALG’s Leadership in Collaboration Certificate and organizer of the National Educators for Peace Conference invited us to teach a session on “Self-Care and the Life Plan of a Teacher and their Impact in the Education System”. Not only that, but Gersom extended three full scholarships including room and board to three leaders in the ALG network to attend the conference, pictured below with Flor Garcia, our Executive Director.
Institutional News
Welcome to the Board, Estela Jocón!
This year the ALG’s Board of Directors welcomes Estela Jocón a social worker and Maya Kaqchikel – Poqomam. Estela comes to the board with an extensive careers in program direction and community leadership. We are excited to have her voice on the board, helping protect ALG’s mission and bring us to where we want to go. Below, Estela is pictured signing the document that formalizes her membership to the board at its meeting last month.