From Patzicia Chimaltenango is the Founder and Director of the Aj Sya Educational Association, an educational center that works in intercultural education. I feel the need to improve my work,
From La Antigua, works as the Manager of the Youth Program of the Common Hope Foundation, this organization works on education, health and housing for families living in poverty .
From Pastors Sacatepéquez, is the Casa de Fé Administrator and Human Resources Manager at the The Faith in Practice Association in Antigua, which conducts medical journeys for Guatemalans living in
From Guatemala City, has worked in several programs and projects as county director and coordinator. He is an expert in Popular Education, was a university professor and is currently an
Originally from Nahualá Sololá, collaborates with the Swan Tinamit organization focused on youth education as President and representative of the organization. I believe that it is necessary to expand my
From San Juan Comalapa, works as General Coordinator of the Association of Women Ixpiyakok, ADEMI, her work is focused on highland areas in health and education programs aimed at women
From San Bartolomé Becerra La Antigua, currently works as Country Director for Global Visionaries Organization, the work focus is education with young people. Leading an organization it is very important
From La Antigua, works at the Asociación Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro as Assistant in the area of surgery, the mission of this organization focus in health programs for
From Puerto Barrios, Izabal. She belongs to the Association of Journalists of Izabal and collaborates with several organizations empowerment Women. Being a Leader or Leaders means undertaking challenges, going to
From Patzicía Chimaltenango, is a coordinator of the educational process with teachers at the Maya Educational Center ¨Aj Sya¨, Victor also collaborates in a community museum called Kaqjay . There
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